Apricot Puppies This Week!
Matilda and Charlie will welcome their sweet apricot/cream Australian Labradoodle litter to our family any day now.
Just two weeks ago, Matilda’s little belly began popping out. And it seems that every day she’s just a little bigger.
This has been especially exciting for our five-year-old who thinks Matilda is the “most beautiful girl in the world,” even singing to her when he thinks we are not listening. (His favorite choice of song is singing “Oh Matilda” to the tune of “Oh My Darlin’ Clementine.”) He loves that her puppies are almost here, although he does not like the thought that we will not keep them and instead offer them to happy homes like many of yours!
My personal favorite part of the last week is finally being able to feel the puppies kick. What a miracle the creation of new life is! This experience never gets old.
Along with all of the physical changes, our Matilda has been super sweet and clingy the last few days, even waking us in the middle of the night by gently pawing our faces to receive a few minutes of reassurance and love. We don’t mind, though. I have had two boys and being pregnant surely deserves some extra attention. She is following us around the house and nuzzling our hands when we are not petting her. When she’s not seeking us, she’s laying around a little more and getting rested up for the coming week.
A surprising change in the last two weeks is that Matilda has been a little more assertive with her dominant and bossy sister, Daphne. I truly think that her motherly instincts are beginning to show themselves. She is going to be such a good little mama.
Be looking for our puppy announcement soon as we finally get to see how many of these precious little ones we have.
We cannot wait to see what families are going to be blessed with the perfect combination of Australian Labradoodles Matilda and Charlie. These two have the best demeanor – I know their puppies are going to make perfect pets for the lucky people who get one!
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